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Kopila Valley Journal


June 28, 2016

Today was hard

Today was hard. It’s about 100 degrees and there’s no way to escape the heat.

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June 25, 2016

Love Letter #26 (50 Love Letters)

Dear S, Today you bumped your lip while playing in the pool and you needed some TLC so you came and sat on my lap. I couldn't remember the last time sat on my lap so I held you and took it in, savoring each second until you got up to play again. Isn't it sad that there comes a day when little boys don't sit on their mommy's laps anymore? Will you promise to always sit on my lap?

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June 18, 2016

Love Letter #23 (50 Love Letters)

Dear B, You came to me when you were five with a head full of curls and the sweetest dimple on your cheek. You have always been so gosh darn cute. You still have a head full of curls and the perfect dimple on your cheek, but now you're turning into a young woman and I constantly have to do a double take when I hear you talk and see pictures of you because part of me still sees you as being my sweet little five-year-old who always made everyone smile. All I can say is, "Watch out world!" Seriously. You are such a force. You have grown into a strong woman with an unstoppable spirit.

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June 18, 2016

Love Letter #22 (50 Love Letters)

Dear T, You came to me with those big bright eyes. They're huge, and every time you tell a story they get wider and wider and bigger and bigger. You love telling stories and you're always so animated and you always have this tone of "you won't believe what happened next, Mom!!!!" When you see me in the morning, no matter what, you come and give me a hug and ask, "How was your sleep?" When you come home from school you ask, "How was your day today, Mom?" You always genuinely want to know the answer.

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June 11, 2016

Love Letter #21 (50 Love Letters)

Dear G, This is a big year for you. I always say I'm not ready for you to grow up, but lately it's been kind of nice. I miss some things about you being little, but you've also turned into such an amazing young woman, I love this stage now too. You're so grown up and so wise. I feel like you give me just as much support and advice as I give to you, and it's been nice to have each other in that way. The other day we were hanging in your room and had a big heart to heart. You looked at me and said, "Mom, you look happy and seeing you happy makes us happy."

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