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Kopila Valley Journal


May 11, 2017

I think this is it!

So many of you generous souls have been reaching out these past few months asking me what I envision for the next 10 years. What do we need in Surkhet? How can we all help? We are deep in construction of our new campus and there is no shortage of need and projects for the kids and at the Women’s Center, but I am so excited to share that a gorgeous piece of new land came up for sale!

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June 09, 2016

Everything was better with him around

In our home he was our baby, our joy, our laughter and our sweetness. Everything was better with him around.

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January 30, 2016

Forever In Our Hearts

It's been a month since Ravi's passing and we wanted to thank you for your outpouring of love and support during this difficult time.

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January 17, 2016

No Words to Describe the Way I Feel

I want to thank you for your thoughts, prayers, and messages of condolence. I open them up and read them whenever I can. Mostly they make me face the reality of what has happened, which is a very hard thing for me to do right now. These past few weeks have been deeply personal for me and I can’t tell you how much I appreciate the space, privacy, and support you’ve all given me. My family is here with me in Nepal as we attempt to navigate this. The children are doing okay. They are strong and resilient. I love and appreciate them more than I ever have. They are such good kids, such amazingly strong, huge hearted, brave, generous, and loving brothers and sisters.

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November 29, 2015

Someone Else’s Shoes

This is the only picture I have of Ravi's mom. I think about her all the time. Sometimes I feel a pang of sadness and a little bit of guilt because she didn't have enough time to watch this beautiful boy she brought into the world grow. He brings us all so much joy and when he's being really cute (just about every second of the day), sometimes I find myself wishing she was here to see him. Maybe she can. At least I hope she can.

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