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Kopila Valley Journal


July 12, 2022

A Sustainable Kopila Summer

Sustainability efforts and environmental education are everywhere this summer in Kopila Valley!

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September 17, 2020

How Does Your Garden Grow?

Like many of you around the world, the emergence of COVID-19 and stay-at-home orders has served as inspiration for trying out a new hobby at home. Recently, as our Kopila Valley School staff sat together at breakfast, they began to talk about their students and what sort of activities they have been undertaking during the pandemic.

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July 15, 2020

Ropai in Lockdown

I wish you were here to witness the delightful smiles, lit-up eyes, and pure joy on the faces of our children when we shared with them about our week’s plan. Aakriti and I gathered everyone and announced: “We are going for dhan ropai this week! Who wants to join?”

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July 14, 2020

Project Drawdown

The Project Drawdown coalition of researchers and experts from across the world has developed a list of the 100 most substantive solutions to global warming. The analysis shows that the level of GHGs will start to decline by mid-century if we make the best use of these solutions. At Kopila Valley we employ 25 of the solutions! Here are our drawdowns at Kopila.

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March 03, 2020

Our First Science Fair

When you hear the words science fair, what do you think of? A paper mache volcano? Or a scene from an 80’s movie? Or perhaps your own science fair from your school days? Now, erase all of your preconceived notions and pretend that you, just like our Kopila Valley students, had never heard of or participated in a science fair before. What an exciting journey ahead!  

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