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Kopila Valley Journal

Children’s Home

April 16, 2016

Letter #10 (50 Love Letters)

Dear M, "When is MY love letter coming?" you asked me over FaceTime. So here it is. On the day you came, I looked into your eyes and felt overcome by love. You needed a name and it rolled off the tip of my tongue. "I'm going to name her Maya!" I told everyone proudly. It was the first time I ever got to choose a name on my own and it seemed to suit you so well. Maya means love in Nepali and you are one of the biggest loves of my life. Speaking of love, I also named you after Maya Angelou and whenever I'm sad or feeling down you say, "I'll go get Maya Angelou!" and you bring me one of her books from my shelf. Sometimes I swear I gave birth to you.

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April 16, 2016

Letter #9 (50 Love Letters)

Dear N, When you fall asleep next to me you curl up in a ball and find a way to wrap your arms and legs around me and nuzzle your head into my neck and make sure we are completely intertwined. We have been attached at the hip since the day you came. You were born on my birthday and you were the best birthday gift I've ever been given. We have celebrated our birthdays every year together since. I've been accused of spoiling you.

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April 15, 2016

Letter #8 (50 Love Letters)

Dear Y, This is a hard letter for me to write because you, my little love are a person who is hard to fit into words. How can I describe the way your presence in our family just somehow makes everything better, how you always do the right thing, and how fiercely independent you are? There's a light around you and it shines wherever you are and whoever you're with. You are funny -- hilarious actually -- like a little clown. Maybe not a clown because you are afraid of clowns but you are so funny that your big brothers think you're cool and allow you to hang out with them.

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April 15, 2016

Letter #7 (50 Love Letters)

Dear B, I swear you grew an entire foot this year. You sprouted up like a papaya tree. You also happen to be one of the best tree climbers in our family. If I was stranded on a deserted island, I think you're the person I'd choose to be with. Whether it's mangos, guavas, lemons or a random edible plant, foraged from the jungle, you always come back with the most loot. You are our family scout and the messenger. We joke that you are everywhere at once; the rooftop, the front gate, the kitchen.

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April 12, 2016

Letter #6 (50 Love Letters)

Dear A, This is one of my all time favorite pictures of you. It was raining during monsoon season so we stopped up the drains on the roof, danced, splashed around, and had an epic water fight. I love the expression on your face -- pure contentment, pure happiness. It wasn't so long ago that you came to us, straight down from the mountains.

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