Quarantine at Kopila

Sunday, March 29, 2020

Nepal officially went into lockdown this week. While this is a change for the country as a whole, our family has been in self-quarantine for quite a few days already, and we are settling into a routine as we adapt to this new reality. We are stocked up on dry food and medicine, weathering the storm, and making the most of the time we have together. What’s helping me the most right now focusing on doing the best I can in each moment. 

Here are a few things that have helped me and our mega family get through this these past few days:


  1. Gratitude: Focusing on gratitude has been such a powerful force for me. I am grateful for milk from our cows and vegetables from our garden when fresh food isn’t readily available. I am grateful for the texts with friends and family that give me perspective and encouragement. I’m grateful for scientists, public health workers, nurses, doctors, medical professionals working around the globe to put an end to the uncertainty. I’m grateful for the chat group of community development leaders from across Nepal, who continue to share updates, encouraging words, and reliable information. Everyone working together to support their communities and villages has given me so much hope. I’m grateful for my co-parents, Jeremy, Sachyam and Aakriti, Top, and Kusum who are so calm, steady, and in this with me day-by-day and minute-by-minute. I’m grateful for the BlinkNow team, who are standing by around the world checking in. I’m especially grateful to be surrounded by so many kids. I recognize how many people are alone and families are separated right now, and these kids of ours have been so amazing and patient through all of this.



  1. Family “team” meetings: Each day we sit together in meetings and family satsungs, this keeps us all on the same page and gives the children the opportunity to talk about what they are feeling. We discuss what the plan is, what has changed from the day before, and what our expectations are for the family. We focus on teamwork and how we’re all in this together.



  1. Following a schedule and routine: Every minute of our days is planned, so everyone knows what they are supposed to be doing. This has added a sense of calm for the children. We have a list of chores and teams to handle meal prep and clean up. We have family work time where we do house projects, clean our rooms, and do laundry. Then we move on to games and movies. We try to have a mix of fun and productivity. Here’s a peek inside our daily routine


7:30 Wake up

8:00 Yoga, meditation, and exercise

8:00 Tea

8:30 Room chores and house projects

10:00 Dhal bhat

11:00 TV or much-needed nap time

2:00 Snack

2:30 Homeschool rotation: Computer, quiet reading, podcasts, music class

4:30 Family games and free play, dinner prep team cooks! 

6:30 Dinner

7:30 Satsung

8:00 Bedtime for small kids, while the older kids can read or watch a movie



  1. Moments of silliness and fun: We’re playing lots of cards, monopoly, hide-and-seek, and jump rope. We make sure to keep the music playing. I want the kids to look back on these days and remember them as time spent together. Today I noticed I was getting really frustrated during family clean-up and chore time, so I just embraced it and pretended to be a drill sergeant in the army. It helped to lighten the mood while the kids laughed at my drill sergeant “alter ego” and got to work.



  1. Coming together: I have 16 kids home from college—living across the street in an apartment while they wait out their quarantine. There are also quite a few others spread throughout the world. We’re in a family text chain that’s full of laughs, jokes, dancing videos, and regular old family chatter. We jump on video calls when we can. I give them all challenges each day, like making their bed and sending a picture, or making a healthy breakfast. We meet on the rooftop for dance parties and yell messages across the way.



  1. Preparing when we can: I’ve allowed myself to overreact and stock up on medicine and supplies. I’m strictly enforcing rules about cleanliness and handwashing, and am very controlling of what and who comes into this house. I’m the mama bear and it’s my job to keep everyone safe. I am focusing on serenity and controlling the things I can, like doing the dishes, staying on top of laundry, filling up my water bottle, and keeping things organized. I’m also not being too hard on myself as I try to balance leading our team with being a stay-at-home mom to over 50 active kids!


I’d love to hear how you are all doing. What tricks or hacks you’ve discovered to keep your kids busy, stay sane, and pass the time while you’re staying safe at home! Please do share. Sending all our love from Nepal. We can do this! 



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