The Holiday Season

Thursday, December 13, 2012

It's been a fun week with a lot of cheer in the air around Kopila Valley! We've been getting ready for our big annual day celebration, the day of the year where we invite the entire community and everyone involved with our project in to our school and share everything we've been up to. We host this event on Christmas Day every year. The children have been practicing their songs and dance routines, and gearing up for the school play. We also have the final competition going on for the Kopila Cup. Each house has been competing in a series of events and the team with the most points wins the title and the cup on annual day. This week there's been girls' volleyball and boys' soccer. The matches get intense. Sometimes there are tears and everyone is just so so into it! You'd think it was quidditch. But it's really been a lot of fun to watch everyone on the sidelines cheering and the kids on the field working together towards something.

In other news:

The Christmas tree we planted a few years ago is finally big enough for a few ornaments. The kids all had fun decorating, searching for a star to go on top, and singing carols. I love this time of year!

We've also been learning the story of Hanukkah and lighting the Menorah each night at Satsung too. Safira, Sarah and Kelly made the yummiest potato latkes.

We enjoy learning about and celebrating different traditions from around the world.

Have you heard the news about our school bus!!?  Check out Matt's page for an exciting update! We did it! Matt did it! You did it! Thank you all so much of being a part of our this wish coming true. Like Matt says in his post, we have some more big surprises coming right up.

Much love from Nepal and the Kopila kids

Christmas Tree


Lighting the Menorah

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