Spelling Bee

Friday, February 11, 2011

We had a spelling bee today up on the stage.  Things got a little intense.  There were some words that I even didn't know how to spell.  Like pneumonia... that's always a tough one. 

In the top 5 reasons of why I love having a school, our Friday activities and assemblies are at the top.  Last week the students all put on skits with moral lessons at the end.  One of the themes was about helping other people who are in distress.  I almost peed my pants laughing during a "tiger attack" that took place in the jungle. There were also skits on people with handicaps and how we should treat them; bullying; sexual harassment; and the dangers of drugs and alcohol. The week before last was comedy day and during some of the stand-up acts, I had tears streaming down my face from laughing so hard.  We're putting our stage to really good use.

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