Friday, May 24, 2013

It's been a long and emotional week with one thing after the other. We have a few extra kiddos staying with us this week because of some difficult things that are going on in their lives. I sat in the Women and Children's Welfare Office yesterday afternoon sweating and pouring my heart out. Police cases, lawyers, filing reports and paper work; the side of social work and child rearing that makes me bite all my nails off.

Our Fellows who have been here for an entire year are getting ready to say their goodbyes and we're all feeling pretty sad. Obviously it's hard on the kids and it's hard on all of us.  We've been working side by side for a year. We're like siblings and we've gotten in this groove of being together and working together, and raising kids together. Change is hard and the time flew by too fast. It's also really hot, which makes us all sticky, sweaty, and lethargic. When there isn't power and the fans aren't running it's almost impossible to sleep. And don't get any of us started on the mosquitos.

The kids sleep scattered on the roof and the balconies. We are praying for rain to come through but all we seem to be getting are a few minutes of sprinkles and wind storms. We cover the kids in prickly heat powder to minimize the heat rash. Women and children line up every day with containers for water because our entire village is completely dry. All I can say is thank God for our well because without drinking, cooking, toilet, and shower water on top of everything else, you'd probably find me curled up in fetal position right now.

But enough complaining.  When the going gets tough, the tough get puppies!!! Poor Tiger passed away last week.  He is a mountain dog and I think the heat was too much for him. We were all very sad. Then Tope decided to pick up two sweet puppies and brought them from Kathmandu to surprise the kids. We still haven't really named them. The boys are fighting for Rocky and Nacho for the boy and the girls want to name our dog Safira, after our Home Fellow. They also like the names Romeo and Juliet and Bollywood actors and actresses. The pups have brought so much laughter and love to our family and even I, who was kind of opposed to bringing any more living things into this house, have fallen completely in love.  If there is such a thing as puppy therapy, I am definitely a believer. I've loved watching the kids care for these two and constantly giggle watching them play.

BRING ON THE PUPPY PICTURES!! (and the rain) pretty please :)  

p.s. For those of you who follow me on instagram, I apologize in advance for a feed filled with puppy pictures!


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