Day Of Rest

Thursday, September 01, 2011

I am feeling a little better today.  thank you for the well-wishes.  it's been a rough week for me.

the whole house went on a picnic today back at our little spot by the river... all the seventh graders went too.  sarah came over and we watched the cheesiest chick flick movie of all time. the house was so quiet.  soon after everyone left, i realized it was the first time EVER that i've been in this house alone without the kids for a day... in 5 years.  there was sort of a strange ghost town type of feeling with everyone gone.  i even walked around the house a few times to take it all in.  it's good that i can walk again because for a few days i was completely out for the count, in bed, making trips to the hospital.  #notgood.  but i am much much better now.  to be honest, living in nepal is hard on my body sometimes.  little bugs and viruses can hit you pretty hard over here, no matter how hard you try to avoid them. and that's all i'll say without going into the details of being sick which i feel like i could write a book about right now.    

i decided after a movie, a shower, a nap and feeling like a new person again for the first time in a while, that i sort of like it when the house is empty.

K, N and S all stayed home too.  N and K get really car sick and i'm still actually not really sure why santosh didn't go with the others.  the girls surprised me with lunch that they made all by themselves... bean soup from the garden, rice, and an omelette.  they were really proud and it was sweet when they all paraded into my room carrying the dishes they made.  we sat and ate and i thought about what a treat it was to be able to sit with just three of them and sarah in the empty dining room hall.  then the girls went over to a neighbor's and S hung in my room with sarah and i and played on the ipad.  the kids all love this rocket game where you earn money to build and design your own rocket by solving math problems.  when you finish your rocket you get to launch it and the game actually measures how much air time and distance your rocket travels.  it even clunks to the ground when it falls.  (that's my favorite part)  it's pretty cool and highly recommended for kids who could use a little brush up on their math skills like my santosh.

the kids and everyone came home in the evening all red-eyed, tired, and sun kissed.  it seemed like they had the best day and for me it wasn't so bad staying home either.  i need to do it a little more often.  time for bed and hopefully i'll be even more back in action tomorrow.  lots of love.  maggie

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