All Is Well

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

The kids all get back home from Kalikot tomorrow morning!  They're sitting on the bus now and I'm having a hard time sleeping.  I can't wait to hear about all their adventures.  I feel like they've been in wilderness camp for the week.  I have a feeling they'll be getting off the bus in the morning very tired, hungry, and dirty.  I can't wait to see their faces when they come through that front gate!

I've really enjoyed this time of peace and quiet with just a few of the little ones.  I feel more rested than I've felt in a while.  To make things even better, my dad and his older brother (my Uncle Ed) and my fellow 24 year old cousin Julia have all just arrived and will be here with me for the next couple months.  I feel very supported and loved and in good hands.  My family has travelled half way around the world to spend time with my children and me.  I'm a lucky girl.

Thanks for checking in.  More tomorrow with some stories from the kids and their week up in the boondocks.


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