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Kopila Valley Journal

Director Staff

January 28, 2020

50 Questions for Maggie

We asked Maggie 50 not-your-average-interview questions...

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November 06, 2019

Co-founders, Partnership, and How We Work Together: An Interview with Tope Malla

Our partnership is strong. I think because we really trust each other. Trust is the most important thing. Our different skill sets and backgrounds are a strength. We also really listen to each other. Sometimes we get tired and fight a little bit or disagree over something, but eventually, we laugh it off and come to a conclusion.

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October 21, 2019

Jagdish Upadhyay Joins Board of BlinkNow

Jagdish Upadhyay

We're thrilled to announce that Jagdish Upadhyay—a former UN staff member with over 40 years of experience in various aspects of global health and management—has joined BlinkNow’s board of directors! Upadhyay brings to the position a long record of achievement in resource mobilization, policy and advocacy, government and donor relationships.

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May 12, 2019

Mothers come in all different forms

We’re a big family, but we're just like any other. Sometimes there are arguments, sometimes everyone is playing nicely, sometimes there is a moody teenager, and sometimes there is chaos! We fight (there was just a fight this morning about sharing binoculars). We also dance, joke around, and watch movies together. We make mistakes and learn from them.

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May 04, 2019

Thank you, Aakriti

This Mother’s Day, I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for everything you do for our amazing kids and our family. I feel so incredibly lucky that our paths crossed when they did. Parenting takes a village, and I can’t imagine a kinder, more patient, more loving individual than you to be in on this everyday rollercoaster with me.  

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