Happy Dashain!

Saturday, September 30, 2017

To all of our Nepali friends - Happy Dashain!!! We hope you are enjoying this festival time with your friends and family. We celebrated at Kopila Valley with tikka, sweets, and a family walk to the temple. Dashain is the biggest festival of the year in Nepal. It celebrates the victory of good over evil. It's during festivals like this one that we are extra grateful for all that we have. 

Family photo!

During this time of year, the heat from monsoon season breaks and gives way to a nice breeze. This makes perfect weather for kite flying! We also play on tall bamboo swings, called Pings, during Dashain. The uncles just built one on our community playground, and there have been kids playing on it nonstop. Our children are off from school this month, and we made a long family bucket list of all the adventures we want to check off. We've had trips to the pool, movie nights, a family hike up the mountain, and a big game of kickball so far. Next on the list: camping trip, drawing competition, and rafting trip! 

Sisters celebrating together

We'll keep you updated with pictures and stories from this Dashain break. We're enjoying every minute of family time this Dashain break, and hope you are too! Sending all of our Kopila love, from our big family to yours! 



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