An Update on Baby Aruna

Thursday, March 01, 2018

We had the sweetest visitor at Kopila this week! Do you remember baby Aruna? Back in 2015, all of you took action to save this little girl's life as she suffered from a kidney disease. You kept her in your thoughts, spread the word, donated money, recommended doctors in Kathmandu, and brought warm meals to Aruna and her mother in the hospital. Meelan, our Health and Wellness Administrator dedicated her whole heart to this case and made sure that Aruna received the best care possible. 

Aruna and her mom 3 years ago

Aruna was diagnosed with nephrotic syndrome and had severe damage to both of her kidneys. Her incredible team of doctors to come up with a long-term treatment plan, which she's been following over the past few years. She is doing great now and her medical tests are improving! 

Aruna and Maggie back in 2015

We are so proud of this strong girl and her loving mother. We are so grateful to you for keeping this sweet baby girl in your thoughts and prayers and for making Aruna and her mother feel less alone on what has been a very difficult journey. Sending love from Kopila! 



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