Letter #5 (50 Love Letters)

Saturday, April 09, 2016

Dear M,

Whenever I can't fall asleep at night I think about your smile and try to play your giggle on repeat over and over again in my head. Your laugh is the best sound in the entire world and you fill our home with it each and every day as part of the Kopila soundtrack. 

You are the perfect little sister for everyone and make us all explode with your cuteness when you get up and dance and sing or do just about anything. You know it too! You know how much all of us love you and you wear that love so well. You are the accumulation of us all, rolled up into one giggly bundle of love and joy with a high squeaky voice and laughter that could light up the world. 

I love watching you jump rope and wrap yourself in fabrics and scarfs and twirl around. You often have a little teddy bear or a doll tied to your back. You're the queen of dress up and always trying to get into your big sister's lipstick or eye shadow. You are always skipping or hopping wherever you go, giddy with joy and laughter. But when you are angry or don't get your way you have the perfect pout. You have your pouty-sad-puppy-face down and when you cry, you make sure the entire house can hear you. It's never too long before one of us gives you what you want. 

Your sweetness is too much to put into words and your sass too. Thank you for being the perfect little sister. You are so smart and so kind and so pure hearted. You are magic. Know how loved you are, always. And never ever ever lose that sparkle in your eye.

Love you to the moon. 

Xo Mommy 
#‎50loveletters #‎loveheals

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