A Women’s Center graduate finds success

Thursday, July 22, 2021

We are brimming with excitement as we share this news with you: Nepal’s government recently honored Nirmala, a graduate of the Kopila Valley Women’s Center, as the top female entrepreneur of Karnali Province. Join us in congratulating her! After the celebration, we caught up with Nirmala on her life’s story. Here’s what she wanted to share with you.

“My husband had gone abroad to work as a laborer, but he had not sent money home for months. I had to find a way to feed my two children and manage household expenses. So, I sold fruits in the streets. The income was scarce, but I did everything I could.

In 2016, an acquaintance informed me about a free life-skills development training offered by the Kopila Valley Women’s Center. I immediately visited there to enroll myself. And I was among the first batch of trainees in weaving. Honestly, it was a life-changing journey for me.

I was fully engaged in the arts of weaving and making fabrics from scratch. I also learned a lot about a wide range of topics, including better parenting, women’s rights, and awareness about gender-based violence.

The rigorous training helped me to evaluate myself. I had learned to not depend on others. So, it took courage to establish my weaving business after graduation. I started it with two business partners at first. They left after being deterred by the initial setbacks. But quitting was not an option for me.

I took loans to sustain my business. There was a fair share of struggles. But what is life without struggles, right? We cannot achieve anything meaningful without struggling for it.

My venture is making some progress now. I have been able to employ three workers. And we work hard to weave fabrics for different purposes. It feels surreal to be recognized by Nepal’s government for my entrepreneurship efforts. I feel more motivated than ever.”



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